10 Best Ways To Prevent Pink

 10 Best Ways To Prevent Pinkz

A lot of people think that pink eye (conjunctivitis) occurs mainly in children, but actually anyone can get it. Yes, preschoolers and schoolchildren are particularly at risk, but college students, teachers, daycare workers, kids in summer camp and those in the military are also highly susceptible, due to their close proximity with each other.

What is pink eye ?

Pink eye occurs when the thin, clear covering of the white of the eye and the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva) become inflamed. Anything that triggers inflammation will cause these conjunctival blood vessels to dilate. Eye doctors use the term “pink eye” usually when they’re referring only to viral conjunctivitis, a highly contagious infection caused by a variety of viruses.

The three types of pink eye are:

Viral conjunctivitis

Caused by a virus, like the common cold. This type of pink eye is very contagious, but usually will clear up on its own in a few days without medical treatment.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Caused by bacteria, this type of pink eye can cause serious damage to the eye if left untreated.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Caused by eye irritants such as pollen, dust and animal dander. It can be seasonal (caused by pollen) or flare up year-round (dust, pet dander).

10 ways to avoid pink eye

Here are 10 simple precautions you can take to significantly reduce your risk of getting pink eye:

1.Never share personal items such as washcloths, hand towels or tissues.

2.Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes.

3. Never (EVER) share your contact lenseswith friends.

4.Wash your hands frequently, especially when at school, at camp or in other public places.

5. Keep a hand disinfectant (e.g., Purell) handy and use it frequently.

6. Frequently clean surfaces such as countertops, faucet handles, door handles and shared phones with an antiseptic cleaner.

7. If you know you suffer from seasonal allergies, ask your doctor what can be done to minimize your symptoms before they begin.

8. If you wear contacts, follow your eye doctor’s instructions for lens care and replacement.

9. Use contact lens solutions properly. If pink eye is a persistent problem, you may consider switching to daily disposable contacts.

10. When swimming, wear swim goggles to protect yourself from bacteria and other microorganisms in the water that can cause conjunctivitis.

Before entering water of any kind (bath, shower, hot tub, swimming pool, lake, ocean, slip ‘n slide), remove your contact lenses to avoid trapping bacteria between your eyes and the lenses.

Pink eye is highly contagious
Because pink eye is very contagious, I always ask my patients to be considerate of others and is possible, refrain from direct contact with others (usually 3-5 days) to keep the infection from spreading.

Remember: Because a red or pink eye can be a sign of many different types of eye problems—some that can be quite serious—make sure you consult with your eye doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptom